Soul’s Journey Board Game Rules
1. To set up the game place all the players on “start” and make sure all Faith Challenge Cards, Grace Cards, and Temptation cards are facing the right direction.
2. Players must make it from “start” to heaven by rolling one dice and moving that number of spaces.
3. If a player lands on a temptation square then he or she must draw from the sin card pile and do whatever their card reads.
4. If a player lands on a spiritual challenge square then he or she must answer a question from the Faith Challenge cards. Another player should draw the card and read the question to the player and then let the player know if he or she was right. If they are right they draw a card from the grace cards and if they are wrong they draw from the sin cards.
5. If a player lands on a spiritual grace square then he or she must draw from the grace card pile and do as the card says.
6. Winner is anyone who makes it to heaven.
A playing area that is marked off into squares (perferable 7 squares wide)
Temptation Cards with the Seven Deadly Sins written on them and a #1-5
Virtue Cards with Seven Virtues written on them and a #1-5
1. Players are divided into two teams. The first team are the Virtues and the second team are the Seven Deadly Sins.
2. Each player then draws a virtue card or a seven deadly sin card depending on what team they are without letting the other team see it.
3. Each team then lines themseleves up on their respective end.
4. Each team then gets to move one player (?) number of spaces. When two players on oposing team run into one another they must then face off.
5. Players who are facing off reveal what viture and vice they are and then role the number of dice their card says that they can. The highest role wins. If a tie they must re-role until their is a winner.
6. The winning team is the first team to eliminate all the other teams players.
Scripture: Joshua 10:12
On the day the LORD gave the Amorites over to Israel, Joshua said to the LORD in the presence of Israel: "O sun, stand still over Gibeon, O moon, over the Valley of Aijalon."
Beach Towels
A ball
Cones to make a course
Team members divide up in groups of two. Each pair receives a beach towel. The team must transfer the large ball from one end of the field to the other end by using the towels to fling to ball to their teammates. No pair is allowed to run with the ball and if the ball touches the ground they must go back to the start.
A Giant Tic Tac Toe Game Board (Foam Board with Giant X’s and O’s that can be pushed pinned on)
Questions Sheet
For every correct answer given to a question the team gets to put an x on the board but for every wrong answer the moderator puts and o on the board. Games in which there are no winners go to the moderator and the team must start again.
Sample Question Sheet
1. Name the 4 Gospel writers?
2. Name the 12 Apostles?
3. Name the 7 Sacraments?
4. Name the 10 Commandments?
5. Name the 7 gifts of the Holy Spirit?
6. Name the 8 beatitudes
7. How many days are in Lent?
8. How many days between Lent and Easter?
9. How old was Jesus when he died?
10. At what age was Jesus lost in the temple?
What do you get when you combine a trivia game with a game that also tests the ability of the players to bounce balls into a small can? You get TROUNCE. A game in which one can learn a lot about his or her faith while trouncing his or her opponent.
5 Ball of the same color for each team that you have.
- So if you have two teams you will need five balls of one color and five balls of another color. If you have five teams you will need a total of twenty-five balls with five different colors.
- Label each of the five balls with one of the following words: 1) Old Testament
2) New Testament 3) Church History 4) Sacraments and 5) Saints
5 Balls of the same color but does not correspond to any of the colors that have been assigned to a team.
- Label each of these balls “Wild”.
5 Racquet balls of one color
5 Racquet balls of another color
1 Ball Bucket or Basket
- A bucket that is big enough to hold all the balls minus the racquet balls in.
1 Trounce Can
- A bucket in which to bounce the racquet balls into.
Questions divided into six categories see below.
1. Divide all the players into groups and assign each team a color
2. Each team is then told that they must collect five of their color ball to win the game. “Wild” balls can count as one of the five balls.
3. Each team sends one player at a time to the ball bucket. He or she then reaches into the bucket and without looking pulls out a ball.
A. If the ball is the same as the team’s color the team is given a chance to answer the question related to the ball. If they get the question right they keep the ball. If they get the question wrong the ball goes back into the ball bucket.
B. If the ball is not the same as the team’s color they can “steal” the ball by answering the question. If they get the question wrong then the team whose color matches the ball gets a chance to answer the question. If they get the question right then they get to keep the ball. If they get it wrong the ball goes back into the ball bucket.
C. If the ball they pull out of the ball bucket is a “wild” ball the team has two choices. First choice is the team can answer the question related to the ball and if they answer correctly they keep the ball and count it as one of the team’s color balls. If they get it wrong then the ball goes back into the ball bucket. The second choice the team has is that they can challenge another team who has one of their color balls to a trouncing match.
D. A trouncing match goes as follows. Each team lines up opposite each other and equidistant from the trounce can. Each player on the team is given a racquet ball and an opportunity to bounce their ball into the trounce can. The team with the most balls in the trounce can after everyone has had a chance wins the trouncing match. If there is a tie then the trounce match goes into sudden death. The first team who gets a ball into the trounce can wins. The winner of the trounce match chooses a ball from the looser to keep and the “wild” ball goes back into the ball bucket.
E. If the game is going on longer than the time is allotted, one can shorten the game by giving teams one point for every ball they have that is not their color (except wild) and two points for every ball that is their color plus two points for every wild ball the team has.
The Game: Ultimate Hot Potato
Supplies: Music
A ball for each group (need at least 2 groups).
1. Divide your students into at least two groups of four to eight students per group.
2. Give each group a ball
3. Make sure to explain to everyone so that it is crystal clear that when the music stops everyone is to freeze and wait further instructions.
4. Begin by playing hot potato as normal with the students passing their group ball in a clockwise motion from one student to the next as they listen to the music.
5. Stop the music at a random time and make sure everyone stops and stand stills. It is of utmost important for them to hear the next set of instructions.
6. Now instead of making the person with the ball sit out like regular hot potato give that person a task* that he or she must carry out every time he or she receives the ball in the next round and before he or she can pass the ball to the next person.
Some suggested tasks:
Make the person run to the center of another group and…
Bark like a dog, crow like a rooster
Roar like a dinosaur sing “happy birthday” to someone
Perform their best death scene sing “I am a little teapot”
Do five jump and jacks perform the chicken dance
7. Continue to play ultimate hot potato choosing a different task for the person caught with the ball at the end of each round. If a person gets caught with the ball a second or third time, he or she should carry out each task before he or she passes the ball to the next person.
8. From time to time, it is good to “reset” the game by taking away all tasks and giving everyone a clean slate. If you are really adventurous try on the last round having the person switch groups each and every time he or she gets the ball. This will surly create some fun pandemonium.
Scripture: Luke 12:39
But understand this: If the owner of the house had known at what hour the thief was coming, he would not have let his house be broken into.
Pool Noodle
1. A person is chosen to stand in the center of the room blindfolded holding the pool noodle.
2. The object is placed close to him or her and they must protect the object from being stolen by hitting anyone coming forward to it with the pool noodle.
Supplies: A tub
A bunch of objects that may or may not float
1. Have players make guesses on which items will float and which items will sink.
2. Drop the objects into the water (remember adding something to the water will displace the water and could cause a spill).
Supplies: Zoo Scavenger Hunt Questions
Rules: See Questions Sheets for all the rules.